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Hey! Are you graduating in Electrical Engineering or already graduated from Electrical Engineering? If your answer is yes, welcome to the Electrical Department of “The Aurora Quest”. Well, Are you wondering about the kind of stuff you can get here? Don't worry. Keep Reading! Everything will be explained.

Now, let us discuss the scope of Electrical Engineering in the future. But actually, do we need to discuss it? I mean, Electrical Energy is a necessity for mankind as long as they exist. And also, the concept of Sustainable Development is entangled with Electrical Engineering into the depths. So, we Electrical Engineers have a wide range of opportunities.

What are those opportunities?

1.Distribution Systems

2.Power Systems

3.Battery Management

4.Power Grids


6.Involvement in Aeronautics and Astronomy

7.Electrical Automobiles

8.Involvement in Artificial Intelligence

9.Household Electricity

10.Involvement in Chemical Sciences

These are just an inkling about where we can go to set up plans for our career. There are a lot of sub-branches of Electrical Engineering. But, Do we know what are they? Do we know how to grab the opportunities? Do we know how to be prepared for pursuing our dream career? Unfortunately, most of us may say no. So, what is the solution?

The Aurora Quest.

Yeah. We offer a lot of things here. Once you step in, you can see articles about the types of jobs, the paths you have to take, the courses offered, and mainly the opportunities you have, Including the experts' advice. This is a one-stop portal to design your path to follow your passion. We, the Team Meraki, strive our best to get you on to the track you dreamt of. Come, Join the Community, Start working and Achieve! Welcome!

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