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Web development, which gets mostly interchanged with web design, may have commonalities, but it is not entirely the same. Web designing deals with the front-end of a website like the User-Interface and appearance. Web development, on the other side of the coin, deals entirely with developing the code for both front-end and back-end, bringing life to the design.

Web developers usually work on developing both the front-end and back-end, but some may work exclusively on one or can handle web designing too. Some of them work as freelancers while others with companies or IT departments.

In terms of the work associated with web development, it gets divided into the following major categories:


Front End Web Developers:

Front-end web developers code and build the user interface like the visible parts of a website you see. They use languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to code the UI. Front end development is sometimes also called as client-side scripting.

Skills needed:

HTML: It is a mark-up language which is the basis for providing the structure to any content on the web. HTML5 is the latest version. It defines the fundamentals of a page including the text, links, headings, images, and other elements. It is the basic knowledge one must learn to start with Web-Dev.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheet): A web developer uses CSS to style the HTML elements, control the layout, and change the appearance of HTML elements on the website. Using this, we can change the colors, font types, alignments, sizes, formats, etc.

We can use CSS frameworks like Bootstrap that help design responsive and mobile-friendly websites.

JavaScript: HTML can only give us static webpages. To add dynamic nature to our website, we need to use JS. It controls behaviors like dynamic loading and clicks, actions, etc.

JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks:

These are the magical weapons of Web Developers that give the dynamic nature to websites.

The JS libraries like jQuery provide pre-defined codes and functions that let us create interactive forms, animations, and event manipulations like mouse clicks, etc.

The JS frameworks like React.js or Vue.js give us as a set of libraries that we can use directly in our projects. They give us a structure along with a pre-written code. Developers with knowledge of these frameworks have high demand due to the functionality of these technologies.

Back End Web Developers:

The things that we don't see on the website are the ones that make a website run smoothly and quickly. Back end web developers are the ones who build these things. Server-side scripting, as the back-end is often called, is responsible for organizing and storing data needed and passed by the front-end.

So, whenever you see a user form on a website -

all the input fields, buttons, drop-downs fall under the front-end

and the responses given by you are sent to the server using the back-end.


Skills Needed:

Here are some of the go-to languages used for back end web development.

PHP: It is a server-side scripting language (full form: Hypertext Pre-processor). It manages all the information like sending a request to the server and fetching the responses and give them to HTML to be presented on the user interface. It has frameworks like CodeIgniter, Laravel, CakePHP that make the work easier and clean with their unique features.

Python: This OOP language is used for both front-end and back-end scripting. But it is more widely used in the server-side because of its object-oriented principles (OOP). It reduces the complexity thereby making it easy for a developer to work with. It is highly reusable and maintainable. It has frameworks like Django that takes care of the hassle in web development.

Ruby: It is also a programming language with an open-source. It is famous for its simple syntax and usage.

Like JS frameworks, Ruby has Ruby on Rails for web development, which gives a template to code the back end for web apps and websites.

You may also need to learn Database related technologies or languages to connect with databases.


Full Stack Web Developers:

These are the people who expertise in both the front-end and the back-end.

  • They are skilled in front-end languages like HTML, CSS.
  • JavaScript to connect both the front-end and the back-end.
  • PHP or other languages for the process happening behind the scenes.
  • SQL for communicating with databases or getting needed data based on request/response.

If you are looking for a better salary, you can add the MEAN stack to your skills.

MEAN stack is famous because of its reduced development cost-efficiency and flexibility.

It includes -

MongoDB (For databases)

Express.JS (Node.js framework for web apps)

Angular.JS (Dynamic web application framework)

Node.JS (JS runtime for dynamic content)


Now comes the real question – Where to start and how?

It is your interest to choose any of the above three categories. Even though you want to be a back-end developer, it is always recommended to start with HTML and CSS. These two will give you the knowledge of what forms the foundation of a website. And the best thing is, you will qualify to get paid if you're good at these two and you can finish learning them in a few weeks or months based on your pace.

After getting familiar with HTML and CSS, you can start learning JavaScript. This will open up an array of opportunities for you like these three forms the core of a front-end developer.

Once you nailed these and also gained knowledge and experimented with frameworks like Bootstrap for CSS or React JS for JS you will become well-versed in this field.

Then you will always have a choice to learn and explore for a flexible and better career. For instance, you can start learning PHP or Ruby on Rails and then SQL to be a back-end developer or a full-stack web developer.


Wondering if you need to have any prerequisites?

Most of the technical jobs IT world offers come with a set of prerequisites, but this one is our lucky charm. To begin with web development, you don’t need to be proficient in some skills. So, let’s clear that for you below.

First of all, to be a web developer you don't need any extraordinary Math skills or logical coding skills. Critical thinking and some clarity in understanding a design are more important than other skills here.


Oh! Did you just mention designing?

Yes, I did. You need to know a bit or two about it. But trust me, it is not mandatory. Web Developers are not the same as Web Designers. They are often interchangeable because developers usually have an eye for designing. But there are UI Designers who specifically design the entire website and sends you the design.

Based on the design, web developers code and give life to that design - Taking something that is just a design and transforming it into a real-world application. Having a piece of knowledge on design may increase your chance of getting hired or help you learn the fundamentals like:

Layout and Navigation - which tells how and where the content like images, audio, or video needs to be placed.

Colour & Font - This is also called Typography. It gives beauty to the layout with great text styles and impressive color combinations.


Okay! I am ready. Where to start learning then?

Here you are, on the first stage of learning web development and you are lucky because we have hundreds of websites providing high-class content to learn web development. There are various courses that teach you the basics in 8-12 weeks with a nominal fee. The downside is, if you are not committed to learning, you find it hard to learn online. Then you must enroll in any institutes that teach web development offline.

Some recommended courses:

 Web Development including HTML, CSS, PHP, and MySQL by Internshala Trainings. A self-paced 45 days crash course.

       The Web Developer Bootcamp – Udemy.

       Hongkong university courses on Coursera.

Some online resources where you can learn and practice:

W3Schools. The best place to learn and practice side by side. Very useful for every doubt you may get during learning.

Freecodecamp.org with thousands of articles and tutorials.

And the developer’s favorite – Stack Overflow and GitHub.

I learned all the basics. So, what’s next?

The best way to become a web developer is by putting into practice everything you learn.

You should work on mini-projects to understand the complexity and real-time issues that may arise.

Once you finish doing courses and gaining skills you can apply for internships or can start working as a free-lancer. But it is always recommended to do as many projects as you can while trying for paid opportunities. This changes your perspective and makes you industry-ready.

When you finally do all the projects, don't forget to publish them on sites like Stack Overflow, GitHub, and LinkedIn. Being an active member of the developer community will not only give you tremendous opportunities but also gives you suggestions and compliments.

If you are a freelancer, then your clients will know how dedicated you are.

If you are an employee, employers will know how professionally curios you are in improving.

Make yourself a digital portfolio and show off all the projects.

Now that you know what it takes to be a web developer- expand your skillset, start from one technology, and keep learning until you become what you are aiming to be.

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