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Have you ever thought of how Artificial intelligence and machine learning will change the world and the internet of things will make our lives easier, yeah the one thing that underpins all these technologies is "data". And all these data is implemented by Data Science.

So,what exactly does Data Science mean?

Data Science uses scientific methods, techniques, algorithms, and systems to extract knowledge and useful insights from many structural and unstructured data.
From social media to IOT devices in generating large amount of data, For example you have searched for a watch on amazon and you didn't bought them and the next day you are watching some youtube video or any other application that contains ads and you see the sandals in that recommendations. Have you ever surprised of seeing how the product you have viewed is in recommendations. Well, this happens because google tracks your search history and recommends ads based on this. This is one of the coolest application of data science.There are even lot of applications of data science.

Big data and Data Science: So here are the two terms which often leads to confusion. Big data refers to large volume of data which cannot be handled using traditional database programming whereas, Data Science approaches the process to Big data which uses scientific methods to draw meaningful insights.

Path to Data Science: In this Data Science career path,By following these steps you can achieve your dream job.
  • Firstly, find out what data science means and the skills required.
  • Attend workshops so that you can know better about everything. Talk to the data science experts.
  • For learning anything you need to start with fundamentals, Learn basics of maths, python.
  • Concentrate more on ML tools.
  • Create your github profile or other profiles, attend more competitions, participate in discussions.
  • Apply for internships, engage in online communities, keep practicing and stay dedicated.
By taking this career path seriously one can be in a greater position in this field.

Skills needed: Each of the job roles require specific skills which are explained in the further posts. In order to excel in the field of Data Science one must have high knowledge on
  • Programming skills
  • Statistics
  • Machine learning
  • Data wrangling
  • 5Data visualization and communication.
 Apart from these, also non technical skills like higher communication skills and also presentation skills are required.

Programming languages required :
  • R-R is the adopted language for pure Data Science.
  • Python-Python comes with lots of libraries for analysing data.
  • Java-As compared to java, python is preferred by most of the Data Scientists as due to its libraries and ease of its implementation.
Data Science tools:

Tools helps us to learn, create, practice and also publish our views. With the help of these tools we can excel better in a particular field. So, here are some of the Data Science tools.
  • Tableau
  • Bokeh
  • D3 js
  • jupyter
  • OpenRefine
So, here comes the question!

"Where can i learn these courses?"

Wide range of Data Science courses are offered online in which few of them are free of cost and many are paid.
  • Udacity: Machine learning
  • CIT: learning from data
  • eDx course
  • Coursera: offers a wide range of Data Science courses for free of cost.
Apart from these online courses there are lots of Data Science blogs and communities like kaggle-largest community with data science tools and resources which help in guiding to achieve data science goals.

 Jobs roles in Data Science:
  • Data Analyst: Data Analyst collects data, processes, performs statistical analysis on large amounts of data.
  • Data Engineer: Data Engineers are the professionals who prepare Big data to analyze by the data scientist.
  • Data Scientist: Data scientists are the analytical experts who use their technical skills in order to uncover the unsolvable and business problems.
  • Business Analyst: Business analyst analyses business domain and helps in improving processes, products through data analysis.
  • Machine learning engineer: Their focus goes beyond specially programming machines to perform specific task.ML engineering creates programs that will enable machines to work without being directed.
  • Machine Learning Scientist: Research new data algorithms and approaches to be used in adaptive systems including supervised, unsupervised, and deep learning techniques. Machine learning scientists often go by titles like Research Engineer or Research Scientist
  • Applications Architect: Track the behavior of applications used within a project or a business and how they interact with each other and with users.
Factors that contribute to the future of data science:
  • Inabality of organizations to manage data.
  • Austounding phase in data development.
  • Updating block chain with data science.
How much do data science professionals earn ? 

This can vary depending on your experience, projects you work and the company/country that you work in. As per the data available in various employment websites, even data science freshers can earn above Rs 5 lakh per annum. Experienced data science professionals can expect to earn more than Rs 20 Lakhs per annum in India.



In the construction industry, various mechanical engineering jobs are always carried out by a qualified mechanical engineer. Mechanical engineers are the one who is responsible for designing, building, establishing, and maintaining all kinds of mechanical related machinery, tools, and components.

The mechanical engineering field covers every aspect right from building design, material selection to structural integrity. All machinery within the site is considered part of a mechanical engineer's domain.

This includes HVAC(Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) equipment, the ducts and ventilation shafts that take off from output assemblies towards the different story of the structure, and all the associated pumps and pipes which tie these independent systems together.



To get a mechanical engineering job in the construction industry one should need a degree or diploma in mechanical engineering. 



If one has experience working as a mechanical engineer, can apply to a construction company to gain onsite experience as a plant and mechanical engineer. You might start as an assistant to a more experienced plant and mechanical engineer and progress as your abilities improve.


Skills :

Additional skills which may benefit anyone include: 

  • Ability to use, repair, and maintain machines and respective tools.
  • Knowledge of engineering science and technology.
  • Knowledge in maths.
  • Design skills and knowledge.
  • Ability to work well with your hands.
  • Excellent attention to detail.
  • Problem-solving skills.
  • Practical skills for repairing and maintaining equipment.

Duties Of Mechanical Engineer In The Construction Industry:

Now, let us talk about the duties and work of mechanical engineers

  • Mechanical engineer in chemical industry estimates, prepare and assign the resources such as materials, equipment, tools, manpower, consumables, etc., required for all Mechanical and related works at the site.
  • Mechanical engineers provide engineering and technical supports to all the Mechanical workgroups at site both in theoretical and practical.
  • Plans the execution of all Mechanical related works and coordinates the works to other groups like Electrical and civil groups.
  • Coordinates the work according to the plan.
  • Ensuring proper erection and alignment of pumps and turbines.
  • Also, take care of Execution and proper installation of their respective piping connection and quality analysis of joints.
  • Making reports of every issue and interact with clients.


For a clear and practical understanding, let us see some examples:

  • Let us take the construction of buildings, heavy cranes and machinery is required to transport the construction materials like concrete, iron, fitting equipment, etc. all these machines are designed by mechanical engineers.
  • After completion of the construction, some equipment like solar heaters and HVAC (Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), lifts, cleaning machinery need to be installed which is related to mechanical work.
  • At the construction of Hydro Power Plants, mechanical engineers play a key role in designing the turbines and materials to be used and designing the water lines, pressure control systems, etc.
  • In the construction of Dam, the heavy machinery which is required at the site is designed by mechanical engineers. They not only design but also take care of the maintenance and service of the machinery.

In underground construction, the major work is mining to create an underground path and set up the machinery. All these are done by mechanical engineers.

 Gaming is a highly competitive field, where professionals are needed who have a good balance of creativity, technology, and fun. It has vast capabilities to steer through the ups and downs of the market. You can choose your career in various genres of gaming such as video gaming, console gaming, wireless gaming, PC gaming, and multiplayer gaming. The growth of the Indian games industry has provided immense job opportunities for skilled professional ones.

Here comes the main question…how to get into this creative sector?

  • Relevant educational qualification in the fields of animation, game designing, graphic designing, and technology, etc. is necessary for securing an excellent career in the gaming industry. 
  • Those who interested in pursuing a career in this industry should focus on gaining knowledge with computer programming in an object-oriented language such as C++ or Java, from their student level, so that they can build a bright future for themselves.
  • Several certificates and diploma programs in game designing are offered by various institutions to pursue.
  • For becoming a Game Programmer, one should have B.E/ B.Tech or its equivalent degree in computer engineering.
  • Many online courses are also available in game design and animation. 
  • One with an innate desire to learn gaming and excellent technical skills can excel in this field.

Steps to be followed:

  1. Develop High-Level Math Skills
  2. Get a Bachelor's Degree
  3. Develop and practice your technical skills
  4. Build an Effective Portfolio
  5. Write your technical resume
  6. Find an Entry Level Position as an intern
  7. Get enough experience to face stiff competition

Skills Needed for Game Development Careers:

To succeed you need to develop and master a host of skills, which is essential. They are technical or hard skills and interpersonal or soft skills.

Technical Skills :

  • Game engine: You need to become proficient in at least one game engine. Unity is one of the most popular development platforms for creating multi-platform and interactive games. Game Developers need to know how to use a game engine to create, deploy, update, and maintain a game.
  • Programming language: You need to master at least one programming language. The most popular languages for platform games is C#, java, python, and lua.
  • 2D/3D modeling: You should be able to model and manage 2D/3D assets using tools like Unity, Blender, Maya, and RealFlow. 
  • Prototyping and testing: You should be able to produce prototypes of gameplay ideas and features, which include low-fidelity and high-fidelity versions. You should also be able to write test cases and test plans as well as execute a game test adequately.

Soft Skills:
  • Teamwork: As a Professional, you will most likely work in a team, so you must feel comfortable while working with others. You will be expected to lend a hand to your teammates if they need your help.
  • Creativity: Making games itself a very creative endeavor. You need to find creative solutions to difficult programming problems, such as designing the assets of a game, and figuring out how the player interacts with the product. 
  • Problem-solving: All positions that involve programming require a good knowledge of problem-solving. You must be able to think critically and break down problems into smaller components that can be tackled individually.
Tasks and duties involved in this sector:
  • Using computer hardware and software to write and modify programming code to create a game framework and individual elements.
  • Utilizing your creative thoughts to design new elements or products.
  • Modifying and documenting the program code to correct errors and faults.
  • Testing specific elements or products.
  • Implementing improvements in existed ones.
  • Solving problems using logical testing methodologies.
Typical Job roles:
The video game industry is in boom over the past few decades and there are many types of jobs in the game industry for you to choose from! 
  • Creative Game Director: The chief in charge of shaping the artistic vision for the entire game, and one of the most senior positions on the game development team in terms of responsibility for the overall quality of the game. There isn’t one route in particular that will lead you to land on a role as creative director, though climbing the career ladder from junior designer and artistic roles is usually the way forward.
  • Game Designer: Right at the beginning of the production process is the game design itself, with one or more designers working tirelessly to devise concepts and bring them to life to form a playable experience for the end-user.
  • Game Programmer: In general, the designer dreams it up, and the programmer makes it happen. They should able code and as with the rigors of animation, there can be a lot of satisfaction to be had from compiling a day’s worth of code and seeing it all just work.
  • Game Animator: This role draws upon a large skillset of both 2D and 3D techniques to bring characters and models to life within the limits of the game’s framework and production budget.
  • Game Audio Engineer: A game’s soundtrack, voice acting, and audio effects can easily make or break a game, and the craft of audio engineering has become far more complex in recent times with the advent of more open-ended gaming experiences.
  • Game Artist: Working directly under the creative game director, the hierarchy of artists (mainly comprised of a lead game artist, character artist, environment artist, asset artist, and technical artist) collaborate with the designers, programmers, and animators to create the visual elements in style variances and techniques of the game.
  • Game Marketer/PR: The hard work of all the professionals on this page would come to nothing if nobody ever hears about the game, and that’s when the PR and marketing staff come into play. Getting the word out there, motivating people to purchase the title, and managing the online reputation of both the studio and the game is all part of their job. 
  • Quality Assurance Technician or Game Tester: If there’s a single bug or way to break a game, you can swear the paying public will discover it. So it’s the job of the testing team to find such software glitches and identify areas for improvement before release. The majority of quality assurance testers work on a freelance, per project basis.
  • Video Game System Designer: Everything above covers the creation of video games themselves, but who is responsible for making the machines on which they are played? That comes down to the system designer(also comprises level designer). Video Game System designers these days almost always hail from computer-related engineering and industrial design backgrounds.
 The gaming industry rewards young and creative professionals with high salary packages. The pay scale and growth in this industry depends on how well one can conceptualize and develop the game program. As a trainee, one is generally paid around Rs.10,000/- per month. Within a short span of time, depending on the working organization and your skills, it may vary from anywhere between Rs.30,000/- to 70,000/- per month. The remuneration of those who are working as freelancers depends on whom you work for and can earn a good amount for a project.

 Generally, we know that micro means small, so we may think microwaves means small waves. But actually, microwaves means waves with a high-frequency range of almost 300 MHz to 300 GHz. Through this article you will get to know more about what is microwave, its uses, and career in this field.


Microwave can be defined as the part of the electromagnetic spectrum with large infrared waves and short radio waves. Microwave engineering relates to the learning and design of microwave components, systems, circuits. Microwave devices are classified into information transmission types and power types. Information transmission type can be used in transmission devices and systems like radio communication, television, radar, radio navigation, radio control, etc. These microwave devices and systems are the most important tools for scientific research in fields like radio-frequency spectroscopy, solid-state physics, nuclear physics, and radio astronomy.


  • Microwaves also used as radio waves, but they have higher frequencies than other radio waves. With higher frequencies, they also have more energy. So we will use microwaves in ovens.
  • In recent times microwaves are mostly used in point-to-point communication links, wireless networks, microwave radio relay networks, radar, satellite communication, and spacecraft communication. It is also used in the medical sector for medical diathermy and cancer treatment.
  • Microwaves are used in satellite communication as they have a smaller wavelength, which allows antennas to point them directly at a receiving antenna. As microwaves are high-frequency signals, it is easy to carry a large amount of information.
  • These are also used in mobiles. A mobile encodes the sound of the caller’s voice in microwaves by altering the frequency of the waves. These encoded microwaves then travel to the mobile tower i.e respective SIM tower, through the air and eventually to the receiver of the person being called. Now the receiver decodes these microwaves and changes them back to sounds to which we listen.


Microwave engineer field is highly technical and is mostly based on electronics engineering. Basically, candidates with a background in electronics engineering can get into these industries because it requires a minimum degree of BE/B-Tech/BS in ECE/EEE as a necessary qualification.


  • Excellent diagramming and documentation skills.
  • Familiar with digital communication systems, spread spectrum, single and multi-carrier techniques, and modulation types such as QPSK, APSK, and QAM.
  • Experience in designing, testing, and troubleshooting.
  • Digital communication theory with prominence on system noise figure and bit error rate.
  • Knowledge of different manufacturing technologies and techniques used in the manufacture of high-frequency modules.
  • RF/microwave design using Agilent ADS, HFSS, or AWR microwave office.
  • Experienced with handling and testing sensitive, high-frequency LNA’s, SSPAs, and converters.
  • Understanding of electromagnetic propagation and antenna systems.
  • Experience in systems-level software tools.                          
  • Schematic and layout using a PCB design tool.
  • Experience in active device characterization and modeling.
  • Experience in MATLAB, Python, C++, or equivalent tools for designing and analyzing RF systems.
  • Experience with RF circuit design in GaAs, GaN, and SiGe RFIC components.
  • Python and Lab-view programming experience for test automation.
  • Good oral communication skills for explaining technical concepts.
  • Possess an excellent time and project management skills.


  • Microwave/RF Engineer:
    The role of an RF engineer is to collect, research, and analyze the information to improve radar design.
  • Microwave Network Engineer:
    The role of a microwave network engineer is to design integrated circuits and electronic components for microwave devices.

  • Microwave Application Engineer:
    The role of a microwave application engineer is to debug, develop, and deploy test solutions for microwave devices.

  • RF Design Engineer:
    The role of an RF design engineer is to design and development of RF components from requirements.

  • RF FW Test Engineer:
    The role of the RF FW test engineer is to develop, execute, and automate tests for characterizing key performance metrics of the microwave systems.

  • Telecom Engineer:
    The role of a telecom engineer is to design and develop telecommunication equipment in microwave systems and make sure that data is transmitted through wired or wireless communication.


  • Managing all parts of the microwave network and check appropriate delivery.
  • Making plans using detailed drawings.
  • Responsible for MLA list and identification of WAP, POP, and WDP systems.
  • Preparing estimates and budgets.
  • Collect desktop surveys and run internet connectivity accordingly.
  • Creating accurate project specifications.
  • Monitor and select suitable equipment and check compliance to project objectives.
  • Completing regulatory documents concerning safety issues.
  • Monitor and collect reviews of all quality control sites and perform related analyses.
  • Finishing projects on time and within budget.
  • Perform physical path survey and use different balloon tests and flash.
  • Coordinate with suppliers and operation management and perform suitable analysis of microwave projects.
  • Provide technical support to all microwave engineers.

 NOTE: Above mentioned skills and responsibilities vary for different companies.

The average salary of a Microwave engineer is around 3-6L/Yr.


People often get confused about the terms Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking. In simple, Ethical hacking is a part of Cybersecurity Ethical Hacking has been a lucrative career option these days which never gets bored. In this article, we are going to guideline your path to become an ethical hacker.

Firstly, who is an Ethical Hacker?
Before going to know who an ethical hacker is, one needs to know what hacking is?
Hacking is a process of identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access into the systems to perform malicious acts. Malicious activities range from deleting system files to stealing information. Hacking is legal if it’s done with the permission of the target organization. Hacking is illegal if it's done without permission, those hackers are called Black Hat Hackers.

Computer experts often get hired by organizations or companies to hack into their systems in order to find vulnerabilities and get them fixed. This computer expert called White Hat A hacker should be a skilled professional who has excellent technical knowledge.


What qualifications and skills are required to become an ethical hacker?

 Your ethical hacker career depends on your current field of work. In order to start your career as an ethical hacker, you need to start with a background in the IT field. Apart from this IT field, expectations are made for people with high knowledge of operating systems, databases, and networking. It's almost impossible to become an ethical hacker directly. Most of the ethical hackers begin their career as technical support engineers and grow up by earning certifications like CCNA and CISSP before working towards CEH certification.

Required skillset:

An ethical hacker should be proficient in:

  • Database handling
  • Networking
  • Operating systems
  • Network traffic sniffing
  • Exploit buffer overflow vulnerabilities
  • SQL injection

               Apart from these technical skills, an ethical hacker must have excellent soft skills in order to communicate with the rest of the organization regarding security issues. An ethical hacker must be a creative thinker as black hat hackers are constantly evolving to exploit the target systems.

Some online resources you can learn from:

  • StationX-To start as a beginner this is the best choice which is a paid course.
  • Udemy-offers free courses on ethical hacking as well as paid courses.
  • Cybrary-offers free courses, but you must pay for certification of completion.
  • For each of these courses there are few prerequisites in order to start the course.


Future of Ethical Hacking:

With the increase in technology, we are witnessing a lot of cyber threats. In order to handle this large workforce, there's a need to increase effective Cyber Security tools. One who has these exceptional skills as stated above has a great future as an Ethical Hacker. The scope of these jobs is increasing day by day with full of opportunities in the future as well as in the present time too.

Here are some main job roles as an Ethical Hacker:

As soon as acquiring CEH certification an ethical Hackers can engage in these jobs.

1.Information Security Analyst: protect's company's sensitive and critical data by taking certain security measures.

2.Security Analyst: Analyzes and assesses vulnerabilities in an organization or in a particular infrastructure it may be in software, hardware, or networking. Analyzes and assesses the threats to infrastructure.

3.Security Consultant: Assess all security measures for an organization. A security consultant is not confined to a single company.

4.Information Security Manager: Manages and controls all aspects of computer security and also ensures that all applications are secure and functional.

5.Penetration tester: In an organization, these testers crack a computer and the purpose is to test its relative security rather than stealing. Simply, experts attempt to find and exploit vulnerabilities.


Salary of an Ethical Hacker:

A certified ethical hacker (fresher) earns an average salary of Rs 3.5 lakh per annum which increases with experience cumulatively up to more than 15 lakh per year in India.


What Does Machine Design Engineer Do:

Machine Designs is one of the most important branches in engineering designs. The Product designer creates a range of items, from everyday products such as Household appliances, mobile phones, Automobiles, etc. to larger items like industrial tools, large equipment, and machinery. 

As a designer, you might work on a new product or improve the existing ones, and use your understanding of technology, materials, and manufacturing methods to improve the design and usability of an item. Designers also modify existing products or processes to increase efficiency or improve performance.

To understand what exactly the machine design is about. let us consider an example of the gearbox of a car, the gearbox transmits the motion as well as power of the engine to the wheels of the vehicle. For the Gears wheels to run at desired speeds and also to take the desired loads it is important that they should be designed using some standard calculations. During the designing of gears, various calculations are performed considering speed and load on the gears and finally, the gear with a particular material and with specific dimensions that can take all the loads and that can be manufactured at least possible cost. Similarly all the parts of the car including the engine, etc have to be designed so that they optimally meet all functional requirements at the lowest possible cost. This whole process of designing is called machine designs.

Machine Design Work Involves:

  • Designing.
  • Modeling.
  • Prototyping.
  • Testing.

What Are The Duties Of The Designer?

  • Design/Redesign devices using analysis and Computer-aided design.
  •  Develop and test prototypes.
  • Also, analyze the test results and perform changes to the design or system as needed. 
  • Machine designers typically begin a project by meeting with the project managers, engineers, clients to understand the needs and requirements for a new project. 
  • Once materials and specifications have been determined, the designers begin using design software like AUTO CAD, PROE, CATIA, NX, SOLID WORKS to develop models. 
  • Once a preliminary model is set machine designer is responsible for presenting it to the project engineer. 
  • If the model is approved, the designer may finalize the designs and send the prints to the production department.

Requirements To Become A Machine Designer: 

  • Required Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering.
  • 3+ years of experience in an engineering role or in a related field. (experience required may vary based on the company)
  • Exceptional writing and verbal communication skills.
  • Excellent problem-solving skills. 
  • Mechanical skills.
  • Deep command at any one designing software and should be aware of top designing software. 
  • Deep IT and CAD knowledge
  • Strong creative, mathematical, and computer skills. 
  • Experience designing industry-specific products. 
  • Flexible approach to work and ability to adopt change. 
  • Able to work in a team environment. 

What Are The Companies That Recruit A Machine Design Engineer?

In any technical related sector, the designer plays a key role in bringing out the imagined or virtual models into real-life applications and give life to raw materials by converting them into useful products.

  • Many Of The Mechanical Industries Recruit The Designers.
  • Aerospace and Automotive Industries.
  • Manufacturing Industries.
  • Transport, Including Road and Railways.
  • Defence Engineering and Science Group (DESG).
  • Construction and Building Services.
  • Medical Engineering, Etc.

What Would Be The Salary?

Based on the various companies, positions, and experience, on average mechanical design engineer was paid about 25-30K for freshers and about 50k for 4+ years experience.


Who is a vet?

Veterinarian is a medical professional who is an expert in the treatment of illnesses in animals.

Is being a veterinarian an interesting job?

Of course, yes!! You see..animals cannot speak, unlike humans. Unless you are Harry Potter who can speak Parseltongue, it takes a lot of compassion, a great understanding of animal behavior, and love towards animals to provide efficient treatment. This is what makes the job of a veterinarian admirable and interesting. Also, you get to be friends with lots of cute animals! (well, they might also end up hating you for giving them injections..but it’s alright).


  • Based on the symptoms observed by the animal-owner as well as physical, clinical, behavioral examination of the animal, the doctor confirms the diagnosis and provides required medicine to the animal. Sometimes, a diagnostic lab test may be required in confirming the diagnosis.
  • They provide required medication for infections, digestive, respiratory, reproductive, dermatological problems of animals based on clinical examination.
  • They play a vital role in rural areas because most of the rural population is dependent on livestock such as cows, buffaloes, pigs, sheep, hens, etc. for income.
  • Veterinary doctors educate the farmers about common diseases seen in animals and about the preventive methods to eradicate several viral, fungal, bacterial diseases in animals.
  • They educate the farmers about diseases, infections that can be transmitted from animals to humans, the harmful effects of different chemicals on animals.
  • Veterinarians provide vaccinations to animals to prevent the incidence of several diseases.
  • They educate the farmers about the proper health care of the animals so as to improve productivity as well as the health standards of animals. Vets also provide information about the ways to improve the quality of animal products like milk, meat, and also various methods of breeding.
  • Veterinarians provide treatment to wounds in animals and also perform simple to complex surgeries on animals. In cases of fracture of bones, complicated delivery, necessary removal of foreign material swallowed by the animal, removal of stones from the urinary bladder, and other complications, surgeries are performed by vets.
  • If required, vets can also perform radiological and laboratory diagnostic tests for the confirmation, clear analysis, and further treatment of an illness.
  • In urban areas, veterinarians mostly deal with pet animals like different breeds of dogs, cats, etc. Pets are brought to veterinary clinics for regular check-ups, sterilization operations, vaccinations, food poisoning cases, wounds, dermatological problems, etc.


After 10+2 (Intermediate Bi.P.C), one should pursue a Bachelor of Veterinary Science (B.V.Sc.) degree, which is a 5½year undergraduate course.


  • Veterinary Doctor: The responsibilities of a veterinary doctor have already been discussed above. The veterinary doctor is just another term for veterinarian/veterinary surgeon. They can work in government hospitals, private hospitals, or can even start their own clinic.
  • Veterinary Officer: The job of a veterinary officer is the same as a veterinary doctor. They too provide medical and surgical care to animals. In addition to this, they act as public workers and make sure that policies and regulations are strictly followed, and help prevent exploitation of animals.
  • Livestock development officer: Their main job is to improve the health standards, nutritional status, breeding methods, disease prevention methods. They help improve the product quality as well as productivity of livestock like cattle and poultry animals.
  • Food safety and Inspect veterinarian: Their main job is to conduct tests to verify the animal products to ensure the safety of consumers. They have to make sure that the policies, rules, regulations are followed strictly.
  • Veterinary doctor at the zoo: Veterinary doctors can apply for vet jobs at zoos and National parks. A Postgraduate degree after BVSc can improve the chances of grabbing this job.


  • Compassion towards animals
  • Great clinical knowledge
  • Good skill
  • Good knowledge of animal behavior
  • Precise and accurate diagnostic skill
  • Patience


  • Government veterinary hospitals
  • Private clinics
  • Food inspection (Meat and Milk)
  • Veterinary colleges
  • Zoos and National Parks
  • Pet care centers
  • Private practice


The starting salary of a vet ranges from Rs.15,000-Rs.30,000 per month. With experience, one can earn up to Rs.1,00,000-Rs.1,50,000 per month.


COMPUTER PROGRAMMER writes and tests code that allows computer applications and software programs to function properly. They turn the program designs created by software developers and engineers into instructions that a computer can follow. In addition, programmers test newly created programs and applications to ensure that they produce the expected results. If they do not work correctly, computer programmers check the code for mistakes and fix bugs. The computer programmers work closely with software developers, and sometimes their duties overlap. When such type of overlap occurs, programmers can do work that is typical of developers, such as designing programs. Program design involves planning the software initially, creating models and flowcharts detailing how the code is to be written, writing and debugging code, and designing an application or systems interface. The opportunities in the Computer Programming field are endless and growing tremendously, and it has emerged as a great area of innovation, research, and job in the last 2-3 decades.

Education and Training:

Most computer programmers have a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related subject. However, some employers hire workers with an associate’s degree or a related subject. In addition, employers value experience, which students gain through internships and get hands-on experience writing code, testing programs, fixing errors, and doing many other tasks that they will perform on the job. And some companies require their computer programmers to be certified in the products they use.

Computer Programmer Duties & Responsibilities:

  • Writing programs in a variety of computer languages, such as C++ and Java.
  • Updating and expanding existing programs.
  • Troubleshooting and Testing programs for errors and fix the faulty lines of computer code.
  • Creating and test code in an integrated development environment (IDE).
  • Using libraries, which are collections of independent lines of code, to simplify the writing.
  • Collaborating with other programmers.

Skills required to become a computer programmer:

  • Thinking ability: It indicates a focus on researching, investigating, and increasing the understanding of natural laws.
  • Analytical skills: They must understand complex instructions in order to create computer code.
  • Concentration: They must be able to work at a computer, writing lines of code for long periods of time.
  • Detail oriented: They must closely examine the code they write because a small mistake can affect the entire computer program.
  • Organizing interest: It indicates a focus on working with information and processes to keep things arranged in orderly systems.
  • Troubleshooting skills: To check the code for errors and fix any they find.

These days many companies are not even looking at the formal degree as long as the candidate posesses the necessary skill set for the job.

Various Careers Related to Computer Programmers:

  • Computer and Information Research Scientists: They invent and design new approaches to computing technology and find innovative uses for existing technology. And, they study and solve complex problems in computing for business, medicine, science, and other fields.
  • Computer and Information Systems Managers: They often called information technology (IT) managers or IT project managers, plan, coordinate, and direct computer-related activities in an organization. And, they help determine the information technology goals of an organization and are responsible for implementing computer systems to meet those goals.
  • Software Developers: They are the creative minds behind computer programs. Some develop the applications that allow people to do specific tasks on a computer or another device and others develop the underlying systems that run the devices or that control networks.
  • Web Developers: They design and create websites. And responsible for the look of the site and its technical aspects, such as its performance and capacity. In addition, they may also create content for the site.
  • Computer Hardware Engineers: They research, design, develop, and test computer systems and components such as processors, circuit boards, memory devices, networks, and routers.
  • Computer Network Architects: They design and build data communication networks, including local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), and Intranets. And these networks range from small connections between two offices to next-generation networking capabilities such as a cloud infrastructure that serves multiple customers.
  • Computer Support Specialists: They provide help and advice to computer users and organizations. And these specialists either support computer networks or provide technical assistance directly to computer users.
  • Computer Systems Analysts: They sometimes called systems architects, study an organization's current computer systems and procedures, and design solutions to help the organization operate more efficiently and effectively. And, they bring business and information technology (IT) together by understanding the needs and limitations of both.
  • Database Administrators: They use specialized software to store and organize data, such as financial information and customer shipping records. And, they make sure that data are available to users and secure from unauthorized access.
  • Information Security Analysts: They plan and carry out security measures to protect an organization's computer networks and systems. And, their responsibilities are continually expanding as the number of cyberattacks increases.
  • Network and Computer Systems Administrators: These days, Computer networks are critical parts of almost every organization. They are responsible for the day-to-day operation of these networks.

The largest employers of computer programmers belong to Computer systems design and related services, Finance and insurance, Software publishers, Manufacturing and Self-employed workers.

Career Path:

Generally, a person after graduating from college starts as a junior developer and spends the next 2-3 years in the same position. After acquiring necessary skills and performing tasks in a most satisfactory manner and learning as a candidate goes around receives a promotion to become a lead software developer or senior developer, where is spending another 4-5 years. At this stage, the candidate executes more challenging and complex jobs and also monitors or guide junior developers. And after spending 15 -20 years in the field, the person can become vice-president or director of engineering, senior manager or so. At this stage, they lead a team of large size which builds solutions or products for an organization or industry as a whole.

Many engineers after acquiring sufficient knowledge of the field also start their own company and become an entrepreneur. Now-a-days there is great support for startups from both industry and government and because of this, we see new and innovative companies, products, and solutions in the market continuously growing.

Salary and Job Prospects:

There are vast number of jobs in the computer programming area starting from fresher’s job to all the way for mid-senior and senior level jobs. Because of the huge application of computers in almost all fields of work, the rapid growth in this field is only going to enhance further.

Usually, the starting salary for freshers from premier college is between 50-70 thousand per month. And for average college, it is between 30-40 thousand per month. With experience, the increments are also quite nice with an average of 7-12 lakhs for a 5-year experience person. And 12-20 lakhs for 8-10 years experienced person. These figures become even more lucrative, if the person has strong academic and professional portfolios in which case it can go up to 35 lakhs for 10 years experienced person. People in leadership roles like senior managers, usually earn in crores with options of shares and stocks in the company.

There are hundreds of great companies such as Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Twitter, SAP, etc. where there are never ending opportunities for the right candidates, So the career outlook of computer programmers is quite nice. These huge companies provide equal opportunities for everyone and provide a safe, convenient, positive work atmosphere that brings the best in any hard-working and sincere person.

This job profile can easily be termed as the job of the 21st century for the reason that it employs millions of people across the globe. Thus, forthcoming students and interested people who want to make a career in the Computer Programming field should definitely go for it without any hesitation.

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