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COMPUTER PROGRAMMER writes and tests code that allows computer applications and software programs to function properly. They turn the program designs created by software developers and engineers into instructions that a computer can follow. In addition, programmers test newly created programs and applications to ensure that they produce the expected results. If they do not work correctly, computer programmers check the code for mistakes and fix bugs. The computer programmers work closely with software developers, and sometimes their duties overlap. When such type of overlap occurs, programmers can do work that is typical of developers, such as designing programs. Program design involves planning the software initially, creating models and flowcharts detailing how the code is to be written, writing and debugging code, and designing an application or systems interface. The opportunities in the Computer Programming field are endless and growing tremendously, and it has emerged as a great area of innovation, research, and job in the last 2-3 decades.

Education and Training:

Most computer programmers have a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related subject. However, some employers hire workers with an associate’s degree or a related subject. In addition, employers value experience, which students gain through internships and get hands-on experience writing code, testing programs, fixing errors, and doing many other tasks that they will perform on the job. And some companies require their computer programmers to be certified in the products they use.

Computer Programmer Duties & Responsibilities:

  • Writing programs in a variety of computer languages, such as C++ and Java.
  • Updating and expanding existing programs.
  • Troubleshooting and Testing programs for errors and fix the faulty lines of computer code.
  • Creating and test code in an integrated development environment (IDE).
  • Using libraries, which are collections of independent lines of code, to simplify the writing.
  • Collaborating with other programmers.

Skills required to become a computer programmer:

  • Thinking ability: It indicates a focus on researching, investigating, and increasing the understanding of natural laws.
  • Analytical skills: They must understand complex instructions in order to create computer code.
  • Concentration: They must be able to work at a computer, writing lines of code for long periods of time.
  • Detail oriented: They must closely examine the code they write because a small mistake can affect the entire computer program.
  • Organizing interest: It indicates a focus on working with information and processes to keep things arranged in orderly systems.
  • Troubleshooting skills: To check the code for errors and fix any they find.

These days many companies are not even looking at the formal degree as long as the candidate posesses the necessary skill set for the job.

Various Careers Related to Computer Programmers:

  • Computer and Information Research Scientists: They invent and design new approaches to computing technology and find innovative uses for existing technology. And, they study and solve complex problems in computing for business, medicine, science, and other fields.
  • Computer and Information Systems Managers: They often called information technology (IT) managers or IT project managers, plan, coordinate, and direct computer-related activities in an organization. And, they help determine the information technology goals of an organization and are responsible for implementing computer systems to meet those goals.
  • Software Developers: They are the creative minds behind computer programs. Some develop the applications that allow people to do specific tasks on a computer or another device and others develop the underlying systems that run the devices or that control networks.
  • Web Developers: They design and create websites. And responsible for the look of the site and its technical aspects, such as its performance and capacity. In addition, they may also create content for the site.
  • Computer Hardware Engineers: They research, design, develop, and test computer systems and components such as processors, circuit boards, memory devices, networks, and routers.
  • Computer Network Architects: They design and build data communication networks, including local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), and Intranets. And these networks range from small connections between two offices to next-generation networking capabilities such as a cloud infrastructure that serves multiple customers.
  • Computer Support Specialists: They provide help and advice to computer users and organizations. And these specialists either support computer networks or provide technical assistance directly to computer users.
  • Computer Systems Analysts: They sometimes called systems architects, study an organization's current computer systems and procedures, and design solutions to help the organization operate more efficiently and effectively. And, they bring business and information technology (IT) together by understanding the needs and limitations of both.
  • Database Administrators: They use specialized software to store and organize data, such as financial information and customer shipping records. And, they make sure that data are available to users and secure from unauthorized access.
  • Information Security Analysts: They plan and carry out security measures to protect an organization's computer networks and systems. And, their responsibilities are continually expanding as the number of cyberattacks increases.
  • Network and Computer Systems Administrators: These days, Computer networks are critical parts of almost every organization. They are responsible for the day-to-day operation of these networks.

The largest employers of computer programmers belong to Computer systems design and related services, Finance and insurance, Software publishers, Manufacturing and Self-employed workers.

Career Path:

Generally, a person after graduating from college starts as a junior developer and spends the next 2-3 years in the same position. After acquiring necessary skills and performing tasks in a most satisfactory manner and learning as a candidate goes around receives a promotion to become a lead software developer or senior developer, where is spending another 4-5 years. At this stage, the candidate executes more challenging and complex jobs and also monitors or guide junior developers. And after spending 15 -20 years in the field, the person can become vice-president or director of engineering, senior manager or so. At this stage, they lead a team of large size which builds solutions or products for an organization or industry as a whole.

Many engineers after acquiring sufficient knowledge of the field also start their own company and become an entrepreneur. Now-a-days there is great support for startups from both industry and government and because of this, we see new and innovative companies, products, and solutions in the market continuously growing.

Salary and Job Prospects:

There are vast number of jobs in the computer programming area starting from fresher’s job to all the way for mid-senior and senior level jobs. Because of the huge application of computers in almost all fields of work, the rapid growth in this field is only going to enhance further.

Usually, the starting salary for freshers from premier college is between 50-70 thousand per month. And for average college, it is between 30-40 thousand per month. With experience, the increments are also quite nice with an average of 7-12 lakhs for a 5-year experience person. And 12-20 lakhs for 8-10 years experienced person. These figures become even more lucrative, if the person has strong academic and professional portfolios in which case it can go up to 35 lakhs for 10 years experienced person. People in leadership roles like senior managers, usually earn in crores with options of shares and stocks in the company.

There are hundreds of great companies such as Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Twitter, SAP, etc. where there are never ending opportunities for the right candidates, So the career outlook of computer programmers is quite nice. These huge companies provide equal opportunities for everyone and provide a safe, convenient, positive work atmosphere that brings the best in any hard-working and sincere person.

This job profile can easily be termed as the job of the 21st century for the reason that it employs millions of people across the globe. Thus, forthcoming students and interested people who want to make a career in the Computer Programming field should definitely go for it without any hesitation.

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