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In this section of our site, you will be provided with all the important professional information related to various courses in biology. The Aurora Quest helps you find the perfect path to explore your interest in biology as well as the different career options through which you can pursue a great future.

Plants, Animals, Microorganisms. This is biology in a nutshell. But unravelling the depths of biology, is not as simple as it seems. Biology is really a humongous part of the matrix that God has woven. It is really amazing that the most complex organ systems like us humans are evolved from a single cell. So, as a part of biology, we study everything related to the evolution, structure, composition, behavior and interaction of the living reality around us.



There are as many sciences in biology as there are hairs on our head. Any branch in the field of biology promises you a good job with reasonable salary. All it requires is your impeccable interest and hard work. It is impossible to put forth all these various branches of biology in a single post. But, to provide a basic idea of the topics that we will be focusing on, here is a sample of generalized data:



As said earlier; plants, animals and microbes are the major contributors of the environment. To make it simple, let us classify the sciences on the basis of these three contributors.

Firstly, we have the animals. There are many sciences like zoology, entomology, ornithology, veterinary science, evolutionary science, behavioral psychology, animal husbandry, dairy science, aquaculture etc. to study about the various organisms that come under animal kingdom. These sciences help us understand the behavior, diseases in animals, interaction with ecosystem, commercial importance of animals.

We, the humans, are social animals. Evolution has brought us a long way from apes; to respecting other people’s rights. We are the highly complex organisms. There are many sciences like anthropology, psychology that give us an idea of the behavior, interaction and the complexity of our minds. Regarding the biological processes of human body, there are sciences like anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, pathology etc. Infact, we have an entire science dedicated to each of our organs systems like biotechnology, neurology, otorhinolaryngology, endocrinology, nephrology, cardiology, ophthalmology, orthopedics, physiotherapy, gastroenterology, gynecology, dermatology, radiology, dentistry, nutritional sciences, immunology, hematology etc. We also have various medicinal sciences like ayurvedic science, allopathy, naturopathy, homeopathy.

The various sciences related to plants are:
griculture, environmental science, botany, biotechnology, horticulture, plant physiology, agrochemistry, seed technology, plant breeding technology, plant biochemistry, agricultural engineering, floriculture, irrigation, plant microbiology etc. These plant sciences help us to understand the different fascinating biological mechanisms of plants and also the techniques that can help us commercially.

The next contributors: microbes. In biology, we have many sciences related to microbes such as: pathology, microbiology, parasitology, virology, mycology, bacteriology etc. These sciences help us in understanding the microbial behavior and its interaction with humans, plants and other microbes, the diseases they can result in, exploring microbes that are useful to humans etc.

There are environmental sciences which help us in understanding the structure, components and functioning of ecosystems. These sciences play an important role in sustainable usage of natural resources, maintenance and conservation of biodiversity, interactions between components of ecosystems, food chains and food pyramids.

These are some of the subjects on which the posts of this section will be based on. We provide you information about different career options related to each of these sciences and also the pathway to each profession.

Hope you find this article helpful! We, the team Meraki, will try our best to provide accurate and useful information regarding the professions in these fields.

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