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We can rightfully say that today's generation lives on internet. We, the users are almost ignorant as how those random bits of one's and zero's provide rich security to the computer. It's work to make sure that your data info reaches you unzipped. With the help of this technology your data can be secured. Yeah, by now you have got an idea on what I'm saying "CYBERSECURITY".As the technologies evolve-cyber threats too!

Why do we need cybersecurity?

As we are living in the digital era we are constantly using the internet whether to book a cab or for ordering some dinner and generating data, which is stored on the cloud which is a data server that you can access online. Also, we can use an array of devices to access this data. Now for hackers its a golden age with so many access points, IP address, and constant traffic, and tons of data to make use of. These hackers are having a hell of time exploiting vulnerabilities and creating malicious software.

What actually Cybersecurity is?

Cybersecurity is the combination of processes, practices, and technologies that are designed to protect networks, computers, programs, data, and information from unauthorized access. The use of cybersecurity can help prevent cyber attacks, identity theft, and can aid in data management.

What qualifications and skills are needed for the job in Cybersecurity ?

In order to start a career in Cybersecurity, you need to start off with a background in "Information technology or other relevant field and an MBA degree" is preferred.

Skills needed to sustain in this field:

  • Problem solving and technical aptitude
  • Knowledge of security across various platforms
  • Attention to detail
  • Communication skills
  • Fundamental computer and forensic skills
  • Desire to learn
  • Understanding of hacking
  • Proficiency in languages/tools such as C++, Java, Node, Python, Ruby, Go, or Power Shell.

So, are these the only skills you all need in order to get into this field!! Absolutely not!

Some of the skills listed above are ones you should naturally have - for example, leaning for analytical thinking and technology - others are ones you will need to develop through formal training or education. As there are many job roles in cybersecurity a specific job role needs a specific global certification. These job roles are discussed in further posts with detailed information.

Some online resources you can learn from:

Cybrary-the only free cybersecurity courses and training platform. Provides a wide range of courses.

Udemy-few paid courses.

Go and have a look! You may find them interesting.

Here are some main job roles in Cybersecurity:

Chief Information Security Officer:  A senior-level executive officer in an organization responsible for the entire information security division/staff by providing strategic-level guidance. The position may include hands-on technical work.

Security Architect: Designs a security system or a major component of a security system and maintains system quality attributes like confidentiality and integrity.

Penetration Tester: Also, known as Ethical hackers, In an organization, these testers crack a computer and the purpose is to test its relative security rather than stealing. Simply, experts attempt to find and exploit vulnerabilities.

Security Engineer: Performs security monitoring, analysis and forensic analysis, to detect security incidents and to defend against hackers. Investigates and uses new technologies and to enhance security capabilities and implement improvements.

Security Analyst: Analyzes and assesses vulnerabilities in an organization or in a particular infrastructure it may be in software, hardware, or in networking. Analyzes and assess the threats to infrastructure. Provides security measures to protect the organization's computer networks and constantly monitors computer networks to avoid threats.

Cybersecurity threats are real - not all the people are victims of these cyber crimes, even they are still at risk. Now, you have got an idea of what actually cybersecurity is and its job roles. The brief explanation of each job role will be given in further posts. Till then, keep finding your best carrier.

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