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The Indian Audit and Accounts Service (IA&AS) is one of the Group ‘A’ services. The officers from this cadre are absorbed in the top and middle-level management of Indian Audit and Accounts Department. Comptroller & Auditor General (CAG) heads this department. This article throws light on the objectives, advantages, pay scale and career growth associated with Indian Audit and Accounts Service (IA&AS).

Accounting and auditing of Central Governments, State Governments, and Public Sector Undertakings (PSU’s) are the 2 main objectives of this Group ‘A’ Civil Service cadre. They have offices in 3 different countries – US, UK, & Malaysia. The reason behind having a presence in overseas location is to carry out auditing of Global Multilateral organisations.

What are the eligibility conditions?

The eligibility criteria for the Indian Audit and Accounts Service exam are the same as for other services. Once the candidate clears the civil services and gets allotment to the service as per his rank and has to undergo through specified training.

What kind of training are offered for IAAS ?

The officers recruited to the IAAS are trained at the National Academy of Audit and Accounts (Shimla) for a duration of 1.5 years. The training is in two phases: Phase 1: It covers the theoretical background on concepts of government and commercial accounting and auditing. Phase 2: practical exposure is given to the officers wherein they are attached to institutes like the RBI, the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, the Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow and the Bureau of Parliamentary Studies. The trainees are given international exposure through attachment with the London School of Economics and Political Science.

What are the posting offered after training?

After the training, they are posted as Deputy Accountant General (DAG)/Deputy Director (DD) at field offices. The highest post of promotion is Deputy CAG of India (equivalent to Secretary to Government of India). The Hierarchy in IAAD is as follows:

·        Deputy Accountant General (DAG)/Deputy Director (DD)

·        Senior DAG/Director

·        Accountant General (AG)/Principal Director (PD)

·        Principal Accountant General (PAG)/Director General (DG)

·        Additional Deputy CAG (Seven Posts)

·        Deputy CAG (Six posts)

Besides, IAAS Officers are also posted at overseas offices of CAG at London, Washington, Rome, New York and Kuala Lumpur. Moreover, they frequently audit various United Nations offices around the world in addition to Indian Embassies in different countries. In addition to the posting in IAAD, IAAS Officers are of high demand in government departments for deputation as Financial Advisers and other executive posts generally held by Indian Administrative service officers. They are also posted on deputation to various overseas offices of United Nations institutions, IMF and World Bank. The biggest attraction of IAAS compared to other All India and Central Civil Services is its independence.

Major Advantages:

  1. For people who are not big fans of publicity that the IAS exposes one to, the IAAS is a good option. You can lead a quieter life.
  2. Not a lot of political interference in your work.
  3. This is an excellent option for people interested in Accounting.
  4. According to a government survey, amongst all the three All India Services and the seven central services, the IA&AS had the highest percentage of job satisfaction amongst its officers.
  5. IA&AS officers even get overseas postings in the IA&AS.
  6. All postings would be in metro cities or state capitals. One would hardly get any rural postings here.

Career Growth:

  1. Reports to Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India.
  2. This is one of the most sought after services in India. IA&AS cadre officers get a plethora of opportunities to serve within the country and on deputation to foreign countries.
  3. CAG offices are present in Washington, London, Kuala Lumpur; IAAS cadre officers have the opportunity to be posted in offices in these locations.
  4. The work done by these officers in this cadre is of extreme importance as their audit reports are tabled in the Parliament.

Grade and Salary:

Before joining any career it is advisable for the candidates to have an awareness of the benefits offered by the concerned line of work.

The below table gives information on the Grade and Payscale of Indian Audit & Accounts Service (IA&AS)


Pay Scale (Rs.)


Assistant Director


Junior Time Scale

Deputy Director


Senior Time Scale



Junior Administrative Grade



NFSG of Junior Administrative Grade

Principal Director


Senior Administrative Grade



Additional Deputy CAG


Deputy CAG (6 posts)

26000 (fixed)


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